Photonics Webinar Series: Introduction to photodetectors part 1
Slawomir Piatek, Ph.D., Hamamatsu Corporation and New Jersey Institute of Technology
Archived webinar
Original date: May 26, 2020
About this webinar
Photodetectors are essential components in a vast array of modern scientific and commercial instruments and devices; technological progress will make them even more ubiquitous. Understanding their opto-electronic properties, regimes of operation, circuit requirements, and noise characteristics is essential to a practitioner to make a proper photodetector selection for a given application.
Topics of presentation:
The purpose of this presentation is to provide guidance in this selection process by discussing the above considerations for the four most common point photodetectors:
- Photomultiplier tube
- Photodiode
- Avalanche photodiode
- Silcon photomultiplier